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Английский - Иностранный язык в проф. деятельности
Английский - Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности ответы на тесты Синергия
30 вопросов - оценка Отлично
Choose the right variant
We called our friends in London yesterday to tell them about the reunion that we ….
have planned
were planning
will plan
Although the sun was shining, it was still cold, because it … hard for two hours.
had been raining
had rained
was raining
Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the verbs.
You said you … to see me this Christmas.
will come
were coming
HUMAN RIGHTS DAY On 10 December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which has become a (1) ...
standard for defending and promoting human rights. Every year on 10 December, Human Rights Day marks the adoption of the Universal Declaration which states that
"Human beings are born with (2) ... rights and fundamental freedoms". In 2006, Human Rights Day focused on (3) ... poverty as a matter of obligation, not of charity.
Poverty is (4) ... by human rights violations. The links between human rights and poverty should be obvious: people whose rights are (5) ... are more likely to be poor.
Generally they find it harder or impossible to participate in the labour market and have little or no access to (6) ... services and resources. Meanwhile, the poor in many
societies cannot enjoy their rights to education, health and housing simply (7) ... they cannot afford them. And poverty affects all human rights: for example, low income
can prevent people from accessing education, which in turn inhibits their participation in public life and their ability to influence the policies affecting them.
Governments and those in a position of authority must (8) ... responsibility for dealing with poverty. The realisation of human rights — including the fight against
poverty — is a duty, not a mere aspiration.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (3).
HUMAN RIGHTS DAY On 10 December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which has become a (1) ...
standard for defending and promoting human rights. Every year on 10 December, Human Rights Day marks the adoption of the Universal Declaration which states that
"Human beings are born with (2) ... rights and fundamental freedoms". In 2006, Human Rights Day focused on (3) ... poverty as a matter of obligation, not of charity.
Poverty is (4) ... by human rights violations. The links between human rights and poverty should be obvious: people whose rights are (5) ... are more likely to be poor.
Generally they find it harder or impossible to participate in the labour market and have little or no access to (6) ... services and resources. Meanwhile, the poor in many
societies cannot enjoy their rights to education, health and housing simply (7) ... they cannot afford them. And poverty affects all human rights: for example, low income
can prevent people from accessing education, which in turn inhibits their participation in public life and their ability to influence the policies affecting them.
Governments and those in a position of authority must (8) ... responsibility for dealing with poverty. The realisation of human rights — including the fight against
poverty — is a duty, not a mere aspiration.
Read the text and choose the best options to fill in the gap (1).
The Irish Travellers are the largest minority in Ireland. There are about 25,000 Irish Travellers in Ireland and 1,300 in Northern Ireland. They are a little understood
nomadic community, who have many difficulties to overcome if they are to survive as a culture and gain acceptance into Irish society. Among the challenges facing
them are poverty and racism. The Irish Travellers are a distinct ethnic group which has existed for centuries. Often they are mistakenly considered part of the nomadic
Romani, an ethnic group which origina
Fill in the gaps in the text with the correct forms of the verbs.
I´m learning Russian and l can already understand what people around me are talking about. "But I find it really difficult to speak Russian . I …. the course by the end of
the year and hope I feel more confident with this language.
will have finished
will finish
It … outside; I do not like to walk in such weather.
is rain
is raining
I feel terrible. I think I … to be sick.
am going
Choose the right variant
The food that Ann is cooking in the kitchen … deli¬cious.
is smelling
will smell
The Irish Travellers are the largest minority in Ireland. There are about 25,000 Irish Travellers in Ireland and 1,300 in Northern Ireland. They are a little understood
nomadic community, who have many difficulties to overcome if they are to survive as a culture and gain acceptance into Irish society. Among the challenges facing
them are poverty and racism. The Irish Travellers are a distinct ethnic group which has existed for centuries. Often they are mistakenly considered part of the nomadic
Romani, an ethnic group which originated in the region of India and is now widespread throughout Europe. But the Irish Travellers are indigenous to Ireland, so the two
cultures are not related. While both are nomadic, the Irish Travellers are Roman Catholic and speak a language that is theirs alone. They have their own culture,
customs, traditions, and language. They are noted for their musical and storytelling abilities. In times past, they travelled by horse-drawn wagon in caravans, making
camp along the way. Tinsmithing, horse trading and peddling were the major sources of income in those days. Tinsmiths were so prevalent among Irish Travellers that
the terms Tinker and Irish Traveller were used interchangeably. Today, Tinker is one of many names for Irish Travellers. Horses and wagons have given way to mobile
homes pulled by motor vehicles. They continue their life on the road, but there are fewer places to stop and fewer places where they are welcome. Today, Irish
Travellers mainly work in re¬cycling. Changing needs of society and progress have eliminated the jobs that could support a culture on wheels. Irish Travellers are poor,
undereducated, and on the receiving end of discrimination. Their life expectancy is lower than average while their infant mortality rate is higher than average. As is the
case with the Romani, the Irish Travellers are seen by many as a group of immoral, ignorant criminals and con artists. People distrust their nomadic culture and their
language, Shelta. Many think it´s a secret language specifically developed as a tool to help the Irish Travellers trick innocent people. But this is not true. It is an old
language, which has evolved with time and circumstances. Once heavily infused with Irish Gaelic, it is now infused with English.
Read the text and complete the gap in the sentences with the words from the text.
... are the two main problems of Irish Travellers.
poverty and racism
minority and poverty
racism and a culture
a culture and acceptance
We were good friends, we … each other for years.
had knowing
were knowing
had known
At 10 o´clock in the morning on Wednesday Tom … a delegation in the office.
will be receiving
will receive
is receiving
HUMAN RIGHTS DAY On 10 December 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which has become a (1) ...
standard for defending and promoting human rights. Every year on 10 December, Human Rights Day marks the adoption of the Universal Declaration which states that
"Human beings are born with (2) ... rights and fundamental freedoms". In 2006, Human Rights Day focused on (3) ... poverty as a matter of obligation, not of charity.
Poverty is (4) ... by human rights violations. The links between human rights and poverty should be obvious: people whose rights are (5) ... are more likely to be poor.
Generally they find it harder o
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